Component 3

Digital Climate Data

Component 3: Digital technologies and data platform for climate resilience

Will help to establish a Climate Data Platform that will integrate data from different systems in use and to be developed. The platform will be the primary dashboard, analysing data to provide a comprehensive overview of the current situation and will use AI/ML for predicting scenarios. The platform will be a forerunner when it comes to climate related decisions by the government. The platform will be a significant tool for making informed decisions based on true and real time data. 

3.1 Establishing a climate data platform

US $ 2,400,000


US $ 4,988.31

Funds Spent





0% Completed

Activity 3.1.1

Providing technical assistance and necessary equipment for the design, establishment, and operationalization (including maintenance) of a shared data platform to enhance data driven planning and policy making across government institutions for climate adaptation and resilience.

0% Completed

3.2 Leveraging digital technologies and tools for climate adaption

US $ 600,000


US$ 110,295.43

Funds Spent





75% Completed

Activity 3.2.1

Supporting a pilot data collection initiative featuring state-of-the-art digital technologies to collect and analyze data related to climate-critical ecosystems to support monitoring, restoration, and analysis of disaster risk.

75% Completed

Pilot Projects