Component 2

Digital Identification

Component 2: Digital Identification for Improved Online and In-Person Service Delivery

Will help strengthen the Maldives’ foundational identification system and digital identification systems. This component will provide support to the Department of National Registration and the National Centre for Information Technology in the form of technical assistance, equipment, and legislative support.

2.1 Legal and institutional enablers and safeguards for secure data and identity management

US$ 900,000


US$ 20,221.84

Funds Spent





50% Completed

Activity 2.1.1

Providing technical assistance to support the development of relevant legal and regulatory frameworks in areas such as data protection, cybersecurity, electronic transactions, identification, and civil registration and ensure secure processing of data, carrying out stakeholder consultations and capacity building.

53% Completed

Activity 2.1.2

Strengthening of cyber incidence response and management capabilities within NCIT.

0% Completed

Activity 2.1.3

Providing technical assistance to support the development of a government data architecture framework.

0% Completed

Activity 2.1.4

Developing a toolkit and training materials on the proposed legislative frameworks for facilitating compliance among data processors.

0% Completed

2.2 Modernizing of the foundational ID system and credential

US $ 3,000,000



Funds Spent





81% Completed

Activity 2.2.1

Providing technical assistance and capacity building to support the design and implementation of upgrades to the civil registration and ID system through inter alia assessment of options to inform the design, review of international standards and good practices for data capture and processing and use of tokenized ID numbers.

86% Completed

Activity 2.2.2

Modernising the civil registration and identity management through the necessary hardware, software, and system integrated services to enable more efficient and secure registration, data sharing, and data storage.

0% Completed

Activity 2.2.3

Enabling the issuance of new digitally enabled ID credentials through the necessary hardware, software, and system-integrated services.

0% Completed

Activity 2.2.4

Carrying out stakeholder engagement and communications related to enhancements of the foundational ID system.

0% Completed

2.3 Strengthening the digital authentication ecosystem

US$ 600,000


US$ 5,015.09

Funds Spent





0% Completed

Activity 2.3.1

Supporting the upgradation of the digital ID platform, with the necessary hardware, software and system integration services including, setting up of a web portal, and developing a mobile application.

0% Completed

Activity 2.3.2

Providing technical assistance and capacity building to support the design and development of functional requirements and technical specifications of the updated digital ID platform.

0% Completed

Activity 2.3.3

Carrying out stakeholder engagement and communications to raise awareness about new features and processes of the digital ID system.

0% Completed