Project Development Objective

Project Development Objective (PDO)

PDO Statement

The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to enhance the competitiveness of the broadband market, to improve identification for in-person and online service delivery, and to leverage digital technologies, data, and analytics for climate resilience.

PDO Level Indicators

a)       Enhanced competitiveness of the broadband market 
·         Competitiveness in broadband retail market (ISP Herfindahl-Hirschman index) 
·         IP Transit Wholesale Cost ($/Mbps/month at landing station in Male’)
b)      Improved identification for in-person and online service delivery
·         Number of people using the new digital ID platform to access government services remotely, online (gender-disaggregated)
·         Number of people who have been issued with new, digitally enabled ID (gender-disaggregated and disaggregated by location, i.e., capital vs. other islands) 
c)       Digital technologies, data, and analytics leveraged for climate resilience
·         Instruments for climate planning and action informed by improved climate data and analytics (number)  
·         Number of climate relevant datasets that contribute data to the climate platform